OBMT Traveling Board Mtg & Friday evening AMTA OR LMT Social Hour in Medford
200 N Riverside Ave
OR 97501
We’re sending multiple AMTA Oregon Board & Committee Members to Medford for the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists (OBMT) Traveling Board meeting this September*, and AMTA Oregon will host an LMT social hour at 7 pm on Friday the 13th at 4 Daughters Irish Pub in downtown Medford to help you get to know your fellow local LMTs and hear about the latest Chapter happenings.
OBMT is hosting their Board Meeting between 9a-4p on both Friday and Saturday, September 13-14th. Please check the OBMT website for more information about their Traveling Board Meeting and contact OBMT at obmt.info@state.or.us with any questions about the Board Meeting event. We encourage you to attend the OBMT meeting with us to speak up on important issues affecting LMTs across Oregon, but you’re also welcome to just join us for our Friday evening get together!
4 Daughters is located at 126 W Main St, Medford, OR 97501. To join us for our social hour, simply RSVP to secretary@amtaor.org by September 10th. Hope to see you there!