AMTA Announces 2021 Becky Schwoebel Making a Difference Award Recipient Angela Barker

The Becky Schwoebel Making a Difference Award is an honor bestowed on a long-term volunteer who has helped bring positive change and innovation to the massage therapy profession. This award recognizes Becky Schwoebel, a volunteer and valued friend to AMTA who left behind a legacy of integrity, professionalism, leadership and volunteer services.

The 2021 recipient of this award is Angela Barker, AMTA Immediate Past President. As a strong, passionate and dedicated leader, Angela exemplifies the true nature of this award. She has selflessly served AMTA at the chapter and national levels with a special blend of sincere compassion and incredible strength.  

As the National AMTA President in 2020, Angela helped steer our association through an incredibly challenging year, seeking out opportunities for members to stay connected and remember the resilience of our massage community. Through her tireless efforts, Angela inspired us to adapt and create during a time of uncertainty.

Whether while running her own massage therapy business or leading the AMTA National Board of Directors, Angela truly listens and works hard to make sure everyone feels comfortable, supported and appreciated regardless of their position. She applies these invaluable skills every time she enters the board room or interacts with a member, potential member, her clients, professional stakeholders, health care providers and the general public.

“I have had the distinct pleasure to have worked closely with both Angela Barker as well as with the person who inspired this award, Becky Schwoebel,” said AMTA President Steve Albertson. “I have personally witnessed the integrity, professionalism and vision that these two women have brought to our profession. Becky would be proud to know that we are recognizing Angela with this special award.” 

We congratulate Angela Barker as the AMTA 2021 Becky Schwoebel Making a Difference Award Recipient.
